Product news
Google's referrer API, developed with our partners at Google, helps fight fraud by authenticating referrer data and actively blocking referrer injection.
Product news
The only way to efficiently fight fraud is through data. The more data you have, the better equipped you are to understand the root of mobile fraud.
Product news
AppsFlyer is the first attribution company to introduce Post-Attribution technology to fraud protection suite to block all fraud missed in real-time.
Product news
Matt Asay, VP, Mobile at Adobe, shares his thoughts on AppsFlyer and mobile measurement in an omnichannel world.
Product news
AppsFlyer has been working on a predictive analytics solution since late 2019: Learn about the process and the powerful insights you'll gain from it.
Product news
Flexibility and customization provide you with control and the peace and quiet required to drive your mobile marketing campaigns to the next level.
Product news
If you are leveraging Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) on the Play Store by wrapping it in an Android App using TWA - this blog is just for you.
Product news
AppsFlyer Agency dashboard, now provides agencies with advanced tools and data transparency for joint marketing success with their app clients.
Product news
The AppsFlyer extension for Adobe Experience Platform Launch makes it easy for Adobe customers to integrate the AppsFlyer SDK into their app.
Product news
We've been working with Google to improve the accuracy, security and comprehensiveness of data we provide to mobile marketers and developers.